We now live in a world of Digital Audio Workstations, or DAWs for short. Protools, Logic, Luna, Ableton; each one has its own sound, and they all give you different ways to deal with mixing, particularly vocals. We can apply 1000 gain moves and level moves to a vocal to make it “speak,” making sure you hear every whisper, and also don’t have your hair peeled back by a loud scream. But how was vocal recording done before digital audio?
For one thing, as the recordist you had a daunting and awesome task: to get all that information on tape and not blow up the tape. Because if you did, your signal would distort on tape, and also blow out much of the high end and detail of the performance. It was also a grave sin to fuck up a vocal recording. So, for that reason only the best engineers cut vocals, because it was the most important part of the recording of the record.
Certainly, getting it on tape as an engineer was job #1, but there is a secret technique that all the singers in history are aware of, and that’s mic technique. What is mic technique, you ask?
Mic technique is the way seasoned studio singers used the awesome power of the amplification of the mic (about 80db) to “create the sound of the performance.”
A good example of a master of mic technique is Chaka Khan. I had the good fortune to work with Chaka with producer Dave Gamson of Scritti Politti, Meshell Ndegeocello, and Chaka Khan fame. We were actually recording lead vocals for what would be the last record in her contract with Warner Brothers. For me to watch Chaka manipulate space and her body to produce her performance was a true thing of awe and beauty. Chaka was always smoking when she sang. Like Billie Holiday, I imagine that smoking was part of the amazing deluxe gravel and grit in her sound. Chaka would creep up an inch from the capsule and deliver the sexiest whisper delivery of the verse lines. Then when the track would kick in, she would take a drag of her cigarette, and lean back three feet and unleash a power line that blew your face off, and made your whole body erupt with goose bumps.
Of course, not only was the performance a thing of beauty, flawless in its delivery, but it was the perfect level on tape, and for the mix. In that way, Chaka was able to “produce” the performance to the degree that it was really effortless to record. That is one of the great joys of recording, to witness a historic moment in recording, and count your lucky stars that you got to be there. Over the years, I’ve worked with many, many great singers who employ mic technique to create their vocal sound.
From a recording standpoint the other thing they all know is “proximity effect.”
Proximity effect is the build up of low end that happens when you get really close to the microphone capsule.
You can hear it as an annoying “woof” sound, especially when the class principal gets too close to the mic when making announcements. In the hands of a skilled singer, they can create warmth and sexiness to the sound, or add low end warmth to a belt line if it’s just the right distance from the mic. Analog recording is so fun.
One of the first big producers I got an opportunity to work with was Kashif. Kashif had just built a huge studio on 37th Street called Marathon. It was two buildings down the street from Nile Rodger’s studio. There were studios all though that part of Manhattan. Most of the big producers used the A-list session singers. For Kashif, it was Tawatha Agee, Lisa Fischer, Sandra St. Victor, and Audrey Wheeler. All of these women went on to have huge solo careers as well, but at that point of time they were “the section.” If it was a Luther Vandross, David Bowie, or a Rolling Stones record, they were the section you called. When they arrived at the studio, they arrived. They weren’t in sweatpants and flip flops carrying their bed pillow, that’s for sure. They would arrive in high heels, dressed to the nines , with the latest handbags and jewelry. They all looked, (and of course sang) like superstars. They were all divas, and they loved to chatter and gossip about fashion, relationships, and other such topics. It would drive Kashif crazy. He would yell at them to keep quiet in between takes, but he never succeeded. I loved it secretly, all the juicy gossip and jokes were amazing and fun. Great vibes.
What was more amazing was that when the track rolled, they snapped into formation like a military unit. All four of them would creep in close to the mic and sing “shoop”…or whatever. The harmony was perfect, pitch was perfect, and pronunciation was flawless. When they would rehearse they would look at each other carefully and watch and work with their hands on how they would pronounce every word. It wasn’t the producer, it was really them. They would just figure out how to sing a line, and they would dance and groove together while they were watching each other’s lips. When they were ready, they’d give me the high sign “we’re ready.” Then they would just deliver it, boom.
It was really an extraordinary thing to witness. As Chaka did, when they needed to belt, like all seasoned singers, they would back up three feet and belt it. The even more incredible thing was that they would figure out who had the strongest voices and place themselves appropriately close or far depending on what they were doing. The soft girls would be a couple inches away. The loud and lower girls would step back. The balance was always perfect, because they balanced themselves…
In so many ways it was a blessing to work with so many seasoned musicians in those early years in New York City. The funny thing is, I still teach young singers how to “work the mic” every time I produce a vocal, which is pretty frequently. This new singer Goldie Scott, who I imagine will be a big star by the time I finish writing my book, had no technique when I met her. But she took to it incredibly quickly. And now when I do remote sessions with her in NYC, she sings perfectly at the right spot on the mic. It all comes back to efficiency for me. It’s much easier to take a little time to get the performance really great, rather than let singers do a bunch of takes and assume you can fix it in the edit. That always takes way longer and is usually less exciting and immediate.